Become A Copywriter With No Experience In 6 Steps (A Beginner’s Guide)

You can also build your online career in copywriting and become a copywriter with no experience by following this easy 6-step formula.

If you also want to start your online career in content marketing and copywriting but have no clue about where to start,?

I got you covered! 

Whenever a person joins or intends to join a new career path, the only thing that stops him from starting is that he has no previous idea or experience about that particular skill.

Don’t be discouraged by the guilt of not starting out just because you are new to it.

If you have found out that copywriting is your passion and you want to make a big name in this field, reading this blog post will help you a lot.

I will be sharing with you a complete road map, from writing your first copy draft to finding clients and getting paid.

Through this blog post, you will get an idea of how things work in a step-by-step guide.

This is a beginner-friendly guide, so stay tuned till the end.

How to become a copywriter with no experience

If you are completely new to copywriting and want to know everything about it, click the link below to read the blog post!

What is copywriting? everything you need to know to get started!

How do I become a copywriter without experience?

No one was born great. Everyone has to start to find out if they go through the process smoothly and successfully.

The same goes for you. You just have to start to realize your full potential in this field.

If I answer this question, “Do you need experience to become a copywriter? In one word,

that’s “NO”.

Like all the other skills, copywriting is also a skill. Anyone from any part of the world can learn and practice this skill and earn money from it.

But one thing that you need for sure is the sample work or portfolio that you will need to show your client that you are the real deal. No one is going to hire a final MBBS graduate to operate when he is completely new to the field.

So is the case with copywriting. No business will agree to put their business at risk by hiring someone who is a complete fresher and has little to no knowledge about the field.

You need to learn about copywriting, practice it hard, create sample work or a portfolio, and then present it to your first client to build an air of trust and credibility and get your first job out of it.

3 things you need to be a successful copywriter are:

The right mindset: You should be starting in this field with the right mindset. 

Success doesn’t happen overnight; you have to put in intentional effort and time to make things work. 

If you have the right mindset and realistic expectations, no one can beat you.

Consistency: Remember that consistency is the key to success. If you don’t show up every day, 

It means you do not want it enough to be your success.

Practice: Practice every day because the more you practice, the more you polish your skills. 

You must have heard of this popular quotation

“Practice makes a man perfect.

Good command of English: Since it is a game of writing, you will need a good command of English to make your copywriting amazing and error-free.

Infographic displaying "4 things to be a successful  copywriter

How Can A Beginner Start Copywriting?

If you are someone who has little to no knowledge about copywriting and wants to become a copywriter with no experience, read this blog post and come back with one step ahead.

These 6 steps will answer the question, “How can I be a copywriter with no experience?”

  1. Join a course or take a workshop
  2. Read books to enhance your knowledge
  3. Write mockup copy for brands to practice
  4. Outreach to clients
  5. Build Portfolio
  6. Create your social media accounts and showcase your work
An infographic displaying " 5 steps to become a copywriter with no experience"

1: Join a course or workshop

If you are a beginner, I will always suggest taking a course from authentic resources or workshops to get a clear view of this skill. In this way, you will find out if this skill is the right fit for you or not. 

Many free courses on this topic are available on YouTube. You can try a free YouTube course to get an idea of this skill.

If you feel like it is the right option for you, then you can continue and learn more about it.

There are a lot of courses available on the internet. You can get enrolled in these courses to kick-start your copywriting journey.

I am listing some of the courses or coaching programs that can make you a champion in the field if you are ready to put your efforts sincerely into it.

Copy Posse By Alex Cattoni

Copy Posse is a copywriting coaching program launched by Alex Cattoni. She has been working as a freelance copywriter for over a decade. In 2019, she launched the program with a passion to educate and train individuals to work in the copywriting field.

She has trained more than 100,000 individuals and turned them into earning members of society.

You can also find testimonials of the previous students who started earning right after they signed up for her copywriting coaching program.

Copywriting course- How do i become a copywriter with no experience?

Copy School By Joanna

Copy School is a copywriting coaching program designed by Joanna, the founder of Copy Hackers. She is on a mission to help 5,000 copywriters make $1 million a year. The program is trusted by giant brands and marketers like Brain Dean (founder of Backlinko) and many more.

2: Read books to enhance your knowledge

Read books, as Walt Disney says:

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” ― Walt Disney

Learning is the key to success. Learning never stops, no matter how young or old you are. Reading books by copywriters and masterpieces by famous copywriters will get you far in this field. Read books on not only copywriting but also on writing in general. It will help you write better. Some famous books on copywriting worth reading are mentioned below!

  • Hypnotic Writing by Joe Vitale
  • Letterbook by Robert Collier
  • Cashvertizing
  • Ogilvy on advertising by David Ogilvy

The above-mentioned books will set you apart from the ordinary.

3: Write mock-up copy for different brands to practice

Practice as much as you can, Set aside a part of the day to practice this skill. Based on the knowledge you are getting from books, courses, and other sources of knowledge, write mock-up pieces of copy such as email copy, a sales letter, or website copy. You can take inspiration from the brands on the internet.

In this way, you will be able to take your copywriting to the next level.

4: Create your social media accounts and showcase your work

What if I told you that through this mastermind technique, you don’t have to find a client; instead, the clients will find you? 

Yes, in this digital world, you don’t exist if you don’t show up on social media. 

This is why you should use all your social media platforms to showcase your work in the best way possible by sharing relatable and informative content.

Your next client is on social media and watching every move you make.

Clients are not just on freelancing platforms; they are everywhere.

If they think that you can be the solution to their problems, they will reach out to you and end up in your DM, asking for your services.

In this way, you will be able to close a deal with your ideal client.

Clients are not just on freelancing platforms; they are everywhere.

5: Outreaching to clients

Getting clients is the biggest challenge in the freelancing world, but it’s not difficult either.

Some people think it’s a boring thing to do, but for others, it is more than fun.

Prepare a proper conversational pitch and reach out to people and businesses through emails and other social media platforms in an organized way who you think may need your help for their businesses.

Sending 2 or 3 proposals won’t make you successful in it. You have to be consistent in your pitching, sending 50 to 60 proposals a day, and you will get replies from 2 or 3 at least. Start a further conversation with these two or three and convert them through your sales pitch.

6: Create a portfolio

Create a proper portfolio of your work, along with learning new things and enhancing your knowledge.

You can add your mock-up projects to your portfolio. Your portfolio should be organized, easy to navigate, and easy to understand.

Remember, a portfolio is the most important of all things.

Modern Resources For Learning Copywriting

You can also learn from modern resources such as YouTube and Google. They can be a great source of learning for you if you are a self-learner.

I am listing here some of the resources that can be very helpful for you if you are just starting out and still thinking, “How do I become a copywriter with no experience?”

Web Resources for Freshers Copywriters

If you learn fast by reading blog posts, you can learn a lot about copywriting by exploring the following blogs:

Copyblogger-Copywriting web learning resource for Beginners


A great web learning resource for new and aspiring copywriters looking to pave their way in this emerging field!

The second great platform on the web for beginners to learn copywriting is:

copyhackers-web learning resource for copywriting beginners


Another great web learning resource for learning to Copywrite

Video Resources for Learning Copywriting

Alex Cattoni is a well-known copywriting content creator and copywriting coach.

She is an experienced copywriter with 10 years of experience in the field.

She was working as an anonymous writer behind the screens before 2019, when she decided to showcase her work on social media.

Her YouTube channel is a free resource for learning for many.

She has also launched her own copywriting program called Copy Posse, which aims to produce high-quality copywriters with a passion for working tirelessly in the field.

Check out her YouTube channel!

vide resource for learning copywriting


1: What qualifications do I need to be a copywriter?

You don’t need any qualifications to start your copywriting journey. It is a skill, and you can learn it anywhere in the world from anyone. And make money from the comfort of your home.

2: Is copywriting easy to start?

Yes, copywriting is easy to start. It is a beginner-friendly skill. People of any age group can learn this skill. To start, your English and grammar should be top-notch.

3: Is copywriting a difficult job?

No. It is not a difficult job. If you are good at English and your grammar is great, you can adopt it as a career and earn a good amount of money from it.

4: How do I get my first job as a copywriter?

You can get your first job as a copywriter by preparing a portfolio showcasing your work, presenting it to your clients, and closing a deal.

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